Conselhos e Perspectivas
A palestra descreve a experiência de doutorado e pós-doutorado nos Estados Unidos, bem como o processo seletivo para tais posições, com enfoque especial na matemática. O objetivo é mostrar a visão do autor sobre o funcionamento das universidades nos EUA, fornecendo alguns detalhes aos participantes que, futuramente, busquem trilhar um caminho similar.
Data: 08.05.2021
Horário: 10:00 – 12:00hs
Plataforma: Google Meet
Vagas: 30 participantes com certificado
Rodrigo Matos
Professor Assistente, Texas A&M University, College Station, USA

PhD in Mathematics, Michigan State University. Advisor: Jeffrey Schenker 2015 -2020.
Department of Mathematics
MSc in Mathematics, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil 2013-2015.
B.S. in Mathematics, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil 2010-2013.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University.
3) Spectral and Dynamical Contrast on Highly Correlated Anderson-Type models
arXiv: 2011.00684. Joint with Rajinder Mavi and Jeffrey Schenker.
2) Localization and IDS regularity for the disordered Hubbard model within the Hartree-
Fock Theory. Communications in Mathematical Physics 382, 1725-1768 (2021). Joint with Jeffrey
1) Spectrum of the Laplacian on graphs of radial functions.
Involve, a Journal of Mathematics, v. 10, p. 677-690, 2017. Joint work with Fabio Montenegro.
Dissertation Completion Fellowship
Michigan State University, College of Natural Sciences, Fall 2019 & Summer 2020
Excellence In Teaching Award
Departament of Mathematics, Michigan State University , Spring 2019
Herbert T. Graham Scholarship
Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University, 2017
College of Natural Science Fellowship
Michigan State University, 2016.
IMPA Summer Fellow
Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2012, 2015.
National Undergraduate Thesis Award, Honorable Mention
VII National Symposium- Jornadas de Iniciação científica – IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, 2014
Magna cum Laude-Academic Performance
Universidade Federal do Ceará, 2013.
Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (CNPq)
MSc Fellowship, 2013-2015
Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (CNPq)
B.S.Fellowship, 2010-2013.
15) Applied Math Seminar.
April 2nd, Texas State University (remotely).
14) 3rd Annual Meeting of the SIAM Texas-Louisiana Section.
October 17 2020, remotely.
13) Mathematical Physics and Harmonic Analysis Seminar.
October 2nd 2020, Texas A&M University.
12) New Directions in disordered systems
June 28-July 03. CY Cergy Paris Université. (Postponed to July 2022).
11) Differential Equations Seminar
University of Michigan 01/23/20.
10) Joint Math Meetings-Special Section
Denver Jan 15-18 2020.
9) Mathematical Physics and Harmonic Analysis Seminar
Texas A&M University 11/20/19.
8) Mathematical Physics Seminar
Princeton University 10/15/19.
7) Mathematical Physics Seminar
Virginia Tech 10/02/19.
6) Mathematical Physics Seminar
University of Alabama at Birmingham 09/27/19.
5) Great Lakes Mathematical Physics meeting.
Oberlin College 06/2019 .
4) Mathematical Physics at Crossings: Celebrating the 65th Birthday of George Hagedorn.
Virginia Tech 05/2019
3) AMS Special Session on Ergodic and Topological Quantum Systems.
Ann Arbor, 10/2018.
2) Geometry Section- III Colóquio de Matematica da Regi~ao Sudeste
Uberlândia, Brazil, 2015.
1) VII National Symposium- Jornadas de Iniciação científica
IMPA, Rio de janeiro, 2014.
2) Special Session on Localization and delocalization in ergodic quantum systems
AMS SpringWestern Virtual Sectional Meeting. May 1-2 2021. Co-organized with Ilya Kachkovskiy
and Wencai Liu.
1) Mathematical Physics and Harmonic Analysis Seminar at Texas A&M.
Co-organized with Boob Booth since Jan 2021.
4) “The AM-GM inequality”
Texas A&M Math Circle (advanced group). April 17, 2021( Remotely).
3) “The Pingeonhole Principle”
Texas A&M Math Circle (advanced group). March 06, 2021 (Remotely)
2) Panel: Life post graduation Michigan State University, November 16, 2020. (Remotely)
1) “The Subtraction Game”
Texas A&M Math Circle (beginner group). October 10, 2020 (Remotely).
Spring 2021: Linear Algebra
Fall 2020: Topics in Applied Mathematics I
2018-2019: Lead T.A. for the Center of Instructional Mentoring at MSU.
Fall 2018: MTH 132( Calculus I) – Instructor.
Spring 2018: MTH 132 (Calculus I) – Instructor
Fall 2017: MTH 299 ( Intro to Proofs) – TA.
Spring 2017: MTH 124( Survey of Calculus) – Instructor
Fall 2016: MTH 124( Survey of Calculus) – Instructor
Summer 2016: MTH 103 (College Algebra) – Instructor